This stunning, luxurious arrangement of 999 exquisite roses not only embodies the epitome of love, luxury, and grandeur, it also tells a story of unparalleled affection and devotion. The bouquet's sheer size is a visual feast that leaves an indelible impression, and its sheer extravagance is a statement of love that knows no bounds.
999 roses not only symbolise eternal love and devotion but in the most opulent manner. Whether it's a grand anniversary celebration, a lavish wedding/birthday, or an extravagant declaration of affection, this bouquet is love in its purest form.
Note: Customers get to pick the colour of roses and wrappers they like or leave it all to us! : )
999 Roses Bouquet
Fleureva reserves the right to replace flowers, foliage, fillers or items with another of equivalent value based on availability.
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